10 Ways to Make Money
I did some research and listed down some of the ways to make money.
1) Make money by blogging – Start a blog site and post news, articles and photos of interest. Many people are using this to gain automated income by monetize their blog with Google Adsense
2) Make money by affiliate marketing – Join affiliate marketing network like Clickbank to sell vendor’s product. You earn commission and some are recurring commission where monthly you will be paid if the customer stays with the vendor.
3) Make money by writing articles – Join network of freelance write and earn when you write articles of rich and desired content by advertiser. This is the most easy and a little research on the topics will help you to write a content rich article.
4) money by creating and selling e-book – Choose a topic of your interest and start writing a book with minimum 100 pages. Convert it to PDF and you have your first e-book. Listed it at Ebay to have buyer searching and buy your e-book.
5) Make money by multi level network marketing (MLM) – Health product is the number 1 seller for MLM and this has been going strong in the market for many years. Search for nearest MLM and you will receive training to aid you to sell.
6) Make money by property agent – Get the latest requirement on your local district for being a property agent. Study for the exam, pass and get the license to practice as a property agent. With high commission payout, this is an attractive work to earn money.
7) Make money by investing stock market – Do research and analysis on company and market trend. Learn charting to predict the movement of the company shares and macro manage by relating to global market conditions. You may be able to earn a living by trading stock and shares.
8) Make money taking photos – You can earn money by selling your photos online. Many people are beginning to start a career earning by taking photos of details and abstract and then post it online and sell it to the right buyer at the right price.
9) Make money by trading Forex – Similar to stock market, Forex is a 24 hours exchange where currency are buy and sell. The trending and direct of the currency depends on the global economy. There is a lot of free news to read and determine what currency pair to buy and sell.
10) Make money by starting a business – Most entity in the world are started off as businesses and money it make thru raising revenue. You can start a florist business, restaurant, retail outlet or start a franchise from well know brand like Macdonald or Subway. You can also find and get sole agent or distribution rights to sell OEM equipment in your local area. Build up a list of customer base and grow your business from domestic market to oversea international market.